
Bash Commands

  1. Create the following directory structure
    flowchart TD
     A[nirmala] --> B[ug]
     A --> C[pg]
     B --> D[ba]
     B --> E[bsc]
     B --> F[bcom]
     B --> G[bca]
     C --> H[ma]
     C --> I[msc]
     C --> J[mcom]
     C --> K[mca]
    mkdir -p nirmala/{ug/{ba,bsc,bcom,bca},pg/{ma,msc,mcom,mca}} #you could also expand it
  2. Remove the directory bcom
    rmdir nirmala/ug/bcom
  3. Change to parent directory
    cd ..
  4. Display the contents of current directory in detail
    ls -al 
  5. Display the current path
  6. Change the name of bca to nbca
    mv nirmala/ug/bca nirmala/ug/nbca
  1. Change to nbca
    cd nirmala/ug/nbca
  2. Create file bcastudent
    cat > bcastudents #a blank cursor will appear, and type what you want to store, Ctrl+c to exit and save
  3. Sort the names in bcastudents
    sort bcastudents 
  4. Create a file in mca directory and after that display the sorted content
    cd ../../pg/mca 
    cat > mcastudents
    sort mcastudents
  5. Append into bcastudents
    cd ../../ug/nbca
    cat >> bcastudents #append to the file
    cat bcastudents #print the whole file
  6. Search for a particular data in bcastudents
    grep "keyword" bcastudents
  7. Display all files including hidden
    ls -a
  8. Count the number of lines in bcastudents
    wc -l bcastudents
  9. Translate the lowercase letters into uppercase letters in bcastudents
    cat bcastudents | tr "[a-z]" "[A-Z]"
  10. Implement pr command
    pr bcastudents
  11. Create files f1, f2, f3, f4 in nbca
    cat >> f1
    cat >> f2
    cat >> f3
    cat >> f4
  12. Implement find command
    find -name f1 -print
  13. Delete file f4
    rm f4
  14. Create a file f5 and implement cut command
    cat >> f5
    cut -c 1,2 f5
  15. Implement head and tail
    head -2 bcastudents
    tail -2 bcastudents
  16. Implement file command
    file *
  17. File comparison
    cmp f1 f2
    diff f1 f2
  18. Implement chmod command
    chmod 777 f5

Mathematical Commands

  1. Workout various mathematical commands
    bc #ctrl+d to exit
    expr 2 + 5 #space is needed between operands and operator
    factor 49

Miscellaneous Commands

  1. Implement the working of ls command
    cd ..
    touch f1 f2
    ls f*
    ls f?
    ls b*
  2. Implement various system related commands
    who am i
  3. Get the shell details
    echo $0
    cat /etc/shells
    echo $PATH
  4. Get terminal name
  5. Get primary prompt
    echo $PS1
  6. Get secondary prompt
    echo $PS2

Date Command

  1. Implement cal command
  2. Display current time and date
  3. Get current date
    date "+%D"
  4. Get current day
    date "+%A"
  5. Get current month
    date "+%h"
  6. Get last 2 digits of current year
    date "+%y"
  7. Get current year
    date "+%Y"
  8. Get current time
    date "+%T"
  9. Get current hour
    date "+%H"
  10. Get current minute
    date "+%M"
  11. Get current second
    date "+%S"

PS Command

  1. Get the details of processes

TEE command

  1. Redirect the output of a process into another file
    ls -l | tee f1

Other Commands

  1. Get the login name of the user
  2. Redirect error into a file
    las -l 2> f5
    cat f5


  1. Create a file f1 and save content into it and quit
    vi f1
  2. Open the same file and copy the first line and paste it into third line
    vi f1
  3. Delete the second and third line
  4. Delete a word from current position
  5. Save and Exit from the file