
Sem 3

The programs and algorithms inside this course starts it’s array index from 1, even though it can help in memorising the content better, I don’t like the idea of doing it when the C++ array index originally start’s at 0. Thus, the programs here will start from the index 0 and will end at n-1.

DSA Record Programs

Array Operations

  1. Traversal of an array
  2. Insertion of an element in an array
  3. Deletion of an element in an array
  4. Merging of two sorted arrays

Searching of Array Elements

  1. Linear Search
  2. Binary Search


  1. Selection Sort
  2. Insertion Sort
  3. Quick Sort

Sparse Matrix

  1. Sparse to 3-tupled form
  2. Transpose of a sparse matrix
  3. Sparse Matrix Addition

Generic Array Problems

  1. Polynomial Addition

Stack Operations

  1. Stack Implementation using Array
  2. Postfix Evaluation
  3. Infix to Postfix Conversion
  4. Infix to Prefix Conversion
  5. Reversing a string using Stack

Queue Operations

  1. Queue Implementation using Array
  2. Circular Queue using Array

Linked List (LL)

  1. Singly Linked List
  2. Doubly Linked List
  3. Circular Linked List
  4. Circular Doubly Linked List
  5. Stack using Linked List (Linked Stack)
  6. Queue using Linked List (Linked Queue)
  7. Interchanging two nodes in a Linked List
  8. Sorting of Linked List
  9. Concatenation of two Linked List


  1. Binary Search Tree